
Posts Tagged ‘eat’

My Vegan Challenge

In Economy, Environment, Food on June 16, 2010 at 6:39 pm

As some of you may already know, I’ve embarked on a two-week long vegan challenge.  I’ll be writing about my efforts and my experiences via The Conducive Chronicle, so I encourage you to follow along, send me insight, and feel free to pass along recipes.  My first post, which is below, details my reasons for the switch, which have very little to do with animal rights, so don’t get all uptight on me. And please try to keep your hippie comments to a minimum. 😉


I’m going to be completely honest: This morning, I made a commitment to becoming vegan. Tonight, I had a polish sausage for dinner. Is there a more epic way to fail a diet on the first day? Read the rest of this entry »