
Why is Facebook charging $100 for messages?

In Social media on February 2, 2013 at 4:32 am

A little digging by Mashable has turned up a strange new initiative from Facebook. While you can already send a message for free to a friend — or a friend of a friend — the ubiquitous social network is now giving you the option to pay a hefty $100 to send a message directly to a total stranger’s inbox. Without ponying up the cash, your message goes to the dreaded “other folder,” aka “Facebook’s dumping ground for all messages it guesses you won’t want to read urgently,” where it will likely be completely overlooked. (By the way, have you checked your “other” folder recently? Do so with caution.)

Full story at…

WATCH: The first-ever footage of a thought being formed

In Science on February 2, 2013 at 4:29 am

In what is being called a “fundamental leap forward in our understanding of how brains work,”Japanese researchers have successfully caught on film a thought being formed in the brain. And while the brain in this study belongs to a zebrafish, not a human, the footage is captivating, and sheds light on how researchers could use a similar technique to see how our brains work.

Full story…

A little self-promotion

In Economy, Food, New York City, Sustainability on October 31, 2010 at 3:03 am

I recently wrote four articles as part of a World Hunger Series for the Conducive Chronicle. Several of us decided to split the month of October into four-day segments, each of us writing about different faucets of world hunger. I chose to write about hunger in New York City. Here is the first of my posts, and you can read the following posts linked at the bottom. There is still one more that should go up soon.

Today I saw the Huffington Post had cited my posts, which was a pleasant surprise. Here is their story.